A Q&A with Doctor Vaughn
What should I expect when referring a patient for surgery?
My goal is to provide your patient and client with the best care and experience. I see a limited number of patients each day to ensure I can spend a significant amount of time talking with the client so they understand each step of the care I plan to provide. I know you have a stronger relationship with your clients and patients than I ever will be able to. I want to return them to your care once treated with them feeling appreciative of you referring them to me for treatment.
What should I include with my referral?
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to fill out a referral form and sending me the diagnostics that have been performed. Clients always ask if previous tests or radiographs need to be repeated. The answer is dependent on the information derived from the original diagnostics. I review the information and do not repeat any tests that are unnecessary for the best treatment.
What medical topic interests you?
I would love to do several retrospective studies on the outcomes of numerous orthopedic conditions. The number of cases I have seen during my career in private practice greatly exceeds what I was able to do during my academic career. I think these studies would have value for the veterinary community.
What are passionate about?
Helping patients and clients. When I look at a patient, I see the pets I have had over the years. When I look at clients, I see myself, my family, or my friends. I empathize with them all and it drives me to do everything within my capability to help.
What is your background experience?
Having completed most of my training in academia, I was responsible for teaching veterinary students for years. Not being a natural teacher, I had to learn to communicate effectively with all the different personality types. Over the years, I became a better communicator and teacher. I also developed a healthier appreciation for those who taught me over the years.
Fun facts:
I have had a variety of life and work experiences. I have been a salesperson, lifeguard, construction worker, waiter, vet tech, tour guide, camping guide, ski instructor, zookeeper, biologist, toxicologist, and veterinarian. I have practiced or trained in veterinary medicine in Texas, Colorado, London England, Honduras, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama. I use these life experiences to help me practice medicine and relate to clients. There are very few people with whom I cannot find something in common.