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Veterinary Specialists of Birmingham

A Q&A with Dr. Centini

Dr. Centini

What key skills or background experience to communicate to the rDVM community?

I have experience working with exotics in general practice and from my time working as a lab animal veterinarian. I also have experience working up a wide variety of urgent cases

What is most important for RDVMs to know about prior to transferring a patient to you?

That I am always willing to talk to rDVMs about cases and to discuss ways that we can help.

Do you have any specific preferences about how you receive transfers from rDVMs?

Sending complete medical records including what has been done up to that point, with any bloodwork and radiographs is very helpful.

Do you have any clinical interests or medical topics that you would like to write about?

I am interested in trauma cases as well as venomous snake bites, and urethral obstruction cases.

What are your unique abilities or passions?

I enjoy the challenge of managing critical cases and helping clients and their pets during tough times.

How is your service impactful to your rDVMs, their clients and patients?

I am available to help manage and work up critical cases during off business hours times as well as admit critical patients to the ICU.

Discuss your personal background and fun facts.

I am a Mississippi State graduate and have had many different jobs as a veterinarian. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and practicing and competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I also enjoy falconry in the winter and riding my motorcycle in the summer.